Hello Mars!

Welcome to the First School On Mars Project!

This project is all about imagining and creating a new way of learning for all explorers.  Using Mars exploration as the baseline, we seek to imagine a live/work/play/learn environment.

As I write this on March 25, 2020, many places on the Earth are on quarantines due to the COVID 19 virus outbreak.  The parallels between how we will live/work/play/learn on Mars are apparent.

Explorers have always been solitary, or small group endeavors, as people dedicated to a single mission objective strive to push the boundaries of human knowledge.  There is no great mission than that of space exploration to push humans beyond their current limits.

As with all great expeditions, it is usually just a very short time between massive human migrations into that new territory.  I hope it is that way with space.  Mars, as our closest planetary neighbor is the target for many.  The objective has been chosen, the path is becoming clearer but we have many obstacles to overcome.

We will live/work/play/learn in very confined spaces for a very long time.  We will need to rethink how we do all these things.

This project is about that journey.

Join us.